The Boy in the Basement: my first novel was such a learning experience for me. Believe it or not, I worked on the manuscript for over 3 years. But, I finally completed the final chapters during self quarantine.

After looking at traditional publishing avenues, I made the controversial decision to publish it through Kindle for exposure. Kindle’s ebooks run around 5.00, making them affordable to most people. Some questioned my decision to let go of years of work so cheaply.

But, money has never been the driving force for anything I have tackled. My hope, by publishing as an E book, was that more people would read it and be exposed to the incidences of secondary traumatic stress that social workers and therapists can develop when working with abused children and families.

I also hoped, that love it or hate it, I would get reviews so that I could learn to hone my writing craft better.

So Finally…I finished. Finally its available. And Finally I can start on the second novel thats itching my brain.


50 thoughts on “Finally…The Novel!

    1. You know the hardest thing besides carving out the time to work on it was the ending. It took me forever to figure out how to end it. I mean I had a storyboard, so I knew how the plot would end but the actual words…it was probably psychological LOL

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Congratulations. Really happy for you. When it comes to publishing you do what you feel is best for your book. It’s kind of like selecting the right school for your child. In this case you are the parent. You know best. Best wishes. You are now a published author. That is something to be proud of.

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    1. I found out that the Amazon published the pre edited version. I have to go in and fix all the typos this weekend that had been fixed before. But afterwards I would be very open to review.

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      1. I’m really sorry about that! 😦 hopefully all will be edited soon. I am looking forward to reading it 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      2. If you want to go ahead and read, that will be fine, just know I am working on correcting the typos that carried over.


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